
Wednesday, January 28, 2004

i'm done!!! well, sorta.

So my schoolwork is done for this semester! yay for me! I worked crazily, and got most of it done. All I have left that was due by the end of Tuesday is my World Lit (beloved novel) reading/quiz, but my wonderful teacher said since I have an 'A' in that class, and I asked for more time- "don't worry about it till next week". yay!! So, now I have 2 more days off of work, and yay i feel freeeeeeeeeeee.

and I wrote an outline for my novel.... I'm starting over, using a different process. that vampire one wasn't going anywhere, and sounded crappy. so i'm starting over, and i'm actually excited about my ideas for this one! (but i'm keeping them secret, because otherwise i'll talk myself out of them). i'm happy!

wheeeeeee. :)

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