
Monday, April 12, 2004

i am hyper... yes i am...

I feel like doing something. I'm not sure what. All I know is that I don't want to be sitting here. I want to be interacting. Yes, I am talking on yahoo IM. And as much as I love my people, I feel like I want more. Real life interaction. The type where you can see the person when they smile, or touch their arm to get their attention, or smack them (playfully) when they say a smart arsed comment (I would have a huge black and blue haha). I want to interact. That is weird for me, seeing as how I'm not the type that normally likes social interactions. Blame it on the family gathering/Easter celebration at my grandparents today.

< rant >

Please. Girls (and guys, but it's been mainly girls that I noticed that annoy me), if you're going to have a boyfriend, please for the sake of my eyes, keep your mitts off him in front of me. It just grosses me out. I don't think I'm cut out for relationships. Don't get me wrong, I think it's cute when you can tell a couple like eachother. However, the girl sitting on his lap when there's plenty of space available at a family gathering and making everyone in the room look at her is just annoying. And having a plate (that says BOTH of your names on it) on one of your cars? *GAG*

Don't get me wrong. I'm happy she has a boyfriend that she likes, and that she likes him enough (and feels comfortable enough) to bring him to a family event (something I would NEVER subject just a bf too- no sense scaring him so early on lol). I just wish I didn't have to be witness to how much you like him.

Happy Easter everyone..

and woohoo I can finally change this template :)

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