
Friday, December 06, 2002

Well, I was going to look for another site that offered something similar to the fridayfive, but I didn't find anything in the five minutes I searched. soooooooo......... that's out. so, any questions? I'll answer pretty much anything. ask away, the more the merrier....yea. ok. i'm done being boringly pathetic.

Ok, so I went to and got this template. It's a but I'm going to try to think of it as purple. Anyway, I can't get that little " Â " (up next to the date) to go away. Any ideas?? It's driving me buggy.

*****Posted at 8:00******

I fixed it! I got the stupid A to go away! yay! ok. phew. you have no idea how buggy that was driving me.

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