
Thursday, April 10, 2003

It's a new template! It's not much, but it's got a....candy look to it, I think. Candy= Easter. April= Easter. Tada. My blog is done for Easter.

I've added new links :) These new ones are blogs I read almost every day, and they're great. I'm not going to describe every single one, but I just want to warn everyone that some of them might have 'bad' words or talk about 'R' or 'PG-13' topics. It's not a problem for me, I find the conversations hilarious, but I thought I'd just throw the warning out there so if you visit you know what you're in for. This is your one and only warning. lol.

I'm sick. I have a cough, a headache (most of the time), a sore throat, a stuffed/runny nose, hollow sounding chest, weird voice... I'm sick of being sick! Sheesh. I think I got sick more times this year than all other years combined. I wonder if my immune system is just low, or what? who knows. All I know is, I'm sick of it!

I'm getting the parital now. My dad talked to the dentist (and the convo. didn't go as bad as I thought it would) and we decided to just go with a partial, even though it'll be a pain in the butt to remove it and all, it'll be better than shaving down my other teeth, which is what we would have had to do for the bridge. I'm ok with that decision.

I have tons of school to do. Anyone really good in Science, Spanish, or Art? No, I'm only kidding. I wouldn't cheat. It's against my morals. sigh. Sometimes having morals is annoying. lol.

Hmm... I'll post more tomorrow, I hope.

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