
Friday, March 21, 2003

Friday Five which of course I forgot to link the first time around again

1. If you had the chance to meet someone you've never met, from the past or present, who would it be?

Ok, my 'hollywood' answer is Marilyn Monroe. My real-life answer is my aunt Shelly. I've apparently met her, but she died of stomach cancer when i was like 4 or 5, and I don't remember her at all. I'd like to at least have some memory of her.

2. If you had to live in a different century, past or future, which would it be?

Ok, I'm not sure. Cause, while I like the chivalry and clothing of waaaay back in like the 15/16/1700s, I don't think I could handle their general attitudes towards women.

3. If you had to move anywhere else on Earth, where would it be?

Australia? I want to go there, maybe move their breifly someday, but I like the USA too. Or, a nice, private tropical-type island would be nice...

4. If you had to be a fictional character, who would it be?

Hmm....... I'm not sure. Maybe someone from one of my romance books, where everything ends up happily ever after....sigh. :)

5. If you had to live with having someone else's face as your own for the rest of your life, whose would it be?

Faith Hill? I think she has a really pretty face, natural like. Kinda horse like, but I'd still take it over mine. haha. Yea, I don' know. I wouldn't want to be so pretty that like I'd be famous for my looks, because that would be annoying.

So, there ya go, the F5

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