
Thursday, May 29, 2003

List of annoyances:

  • Colleges with 'happy' people on their flyers. Know who I'm talking about? The colleges that only have people who are smiling and looking at the camera like they're having the best time of their life. It's so fake that it just completely turns me off of wanting to go to that college.

  • People that don't think of how their actions/thoughts could and do affect others. This can stretch from anywhere from people who smoke around babies/kids/me, or people who litter. It's all wrong, and yet the people that are doing the offence don't see how it affects themselves or other people.

  • Watercolor paints. They're so....water-ish. They just annoy me. To make gray you are supposed to dilute black with water. Well guess what? You dilute with water and while it turns out that you do have a grayish color, it also gives you a soaking wet brush and it's weird to paint with.

  • Too much schoolwork. Or, not enough schoolwork. I'd like a happy medium somewhere in there, where I have assignments I can do if I'm super bored, but not so many to do that i have no time to do anything else and I'm always stressing.

  • The tingly feeling I'm starting to get (lasts all day) in my little and ring fingers on both hands because I'm using my keyboard too much, and/or have my hands positioned wrong.

On the other hand (just so it doesn't seem that I'm in a totally cranky mood)....
List of things I love/adore

  • The word 'adore'

  • Funky colored Nail polishes, painted in weird/different patterns.

  • Music.

  • My new tank tops :)

  • My exercise machine, and the fact that I've done 2 miles every day for the past 4 days (3 miles the first day) :)

  • The weight you can notice I'm losing from said exercise.

  • My sandals. They're at least a year or two old, but they're comfy and simple yet also fancy.

  • The satire...Daria.

  • Satires in general.

  • Other people's Blogs (all listed on my links section, all great).

  • Websites.

  • Yahoo Instant Messenger and all my 'people'

  • AOL Instant Messenger, because I can talk to my grandmother on it :)

  • My baby pictures.

  • High-speed cable internet (when it is actually high speed, so not often)

  • The fact that, for the moment at least, my 'love's out-number my annoyances.

  • My blog.

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