
Friday, November 29, 2002

TaDa! I think I'm done. For now anyway. I'm not that crazy over this one, I like it and all but I think it needs more color, so I'll probably be changing it soon, but I'll make sure I know where I saved the html/stuff so if I mess something up like last time, I don't have to hurry to get one up and use a really not-for-me (ugly) one. Oh, no tag-board for this one. I wouldn't know where to put it. Nobody used it much anyway, so just use the comments :) Phew, I'm so happy I finally got a different one up than that other one. yuck.
ok, little Heather is over till tomorrow, so I don't have much time to blog. Oh, it's "little" heather because she's 7 years old, compared to my 17, and I refused to be called "big heather" lol. So, I'm hay-you. My dad asked why she calls me hay-you, and she started to tell him, but then she said "Oh nevermind" lol. My dad already knew though, she's been calling me hay-you for about...5 or so years now.

My days are filled with playing 'important' (a game heather made up involving playing on the computer and pretending we're important people at their jobs), playing with homemade play-dough, playing playstation, and telling her how to talk on IM. If you're one of the unfortunate people she talked to, I know it was boring for you, sorry. :) But on the bright side, it made her REALLLLLLY happy to be able to 'talk' to someone on the computer. Anyway, 11:11pm, you would think I could get her to go to sleep. nope. she's sitting across from me at my sis's computer, playing on "Paint" and singing along with Christina Aguilara (sp?) *gag* At least she has her headphones on. be thankful for the little things right? Right?!? Ok, I'm done, I'll have a more interesting blog after she goes home. More time for one anyway.

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