
Friday, September 20, 2002

Hi everyone.

I had a semi busy day. I helped my dad at his work today--he owns his own business so I can do that. I got moldy, smelly, dirty, and gross. yuck. I'm allergic to mold, and I don't like getting dirty, so that wasn't much fun. But it was ok, I dealt with it.

We went to the video store, and rented 40 Days & 40 Nights starring Josh Hartnett and that girl from the movie a "Knight's Tale" (I forgot her name though...). I watched it, it was great, IMO. I won't spoil it, but just a warning---it definetly deserved it's 'R' rating. Also, we got 'Monster's INC.', didn't watch that yet... and 'The Rookie', didn't watch yet.
Well, that's about all I did today, but I guess it was enough. my cold is getting better, almost gone. and I don't think I have the bump on my head anymore, or at least it doesn't hurt if I do have it. hasta luego.

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