
Wednesday, September 18, 2002

My cold isn't so bad today, I still feel like I'd like to cut my nose off though. Lol, it's mainly all in my nose. I hate being sick. I rarely get sick though, strong immune system I guess *knocks on wood*. I woke up at 7 today! That's very very early for me, considering I only went to bed around 1 or so. I just couldn't get back to sleep once the garbage men woke me up while they were getting the garbage (my window is right above the street). I was tired, physically, but my head wouldn't stop thinking. My mom was actually mad at me I think, because I figured since I was awake, and couldn't go back to sleep, I might as well go do something. Namely, go on messenger :) She didn't like that too much, and dad was teasing me about my IM obsession. I don't think I'm obsessed, I can deal without it for about....half a day. That's not obsessed right? I mean, think about it, 6 whole hours without it.... That's a long time. I actually start to NOT look forward to vacations cause I'll be away from my computer. sigh, I think I may need mental help. lol.

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