
Monday, September 16, 2002

Ok, I need to vent. You guys are the unfortunate victims. But then again, aren't all victims unfortunate? You might want to skip ahead.....

I spend what seems like forever trying to get my webcam working on my sisters computer. I never used the webcam feature before, and thus didn't have it set up for y! IM. It's one of those 3-in-1 camera things, called the Clever Cam. It's actually pretty cool, about the size of my hand length wise, and about an inch thick, looks kinda like a very strange, thick, marker. Anyway, it lets you take pictures (which I do a LOT, I'm one of those gals who will follow everyone around getting them to pose for a pic, but I never want to pose myself, yuck.) #2 of the 3 things is it turns into a camcorder and lets you have a 45 second video. I haven't used this, what good is 45 seconds? That's not even a minute! Well, anyway, This guy I"m talking to from Australia (who hopefully isn't reading this...) asked if I had a webcam, and I said no cause I don't technically, it's on my sis's computer. I finally get up the nerve to set up the webcam so we can see eachother and talk (he has one too obviously) and we were going to start chatting at 10pm tonight.... 27 minutes ago. grrr. He's not online yet. I don't really mind, I mean, I know the reasons he could not be IMing me.... broken computer, yahoo IM not working (as mine wasn't earlier), he found something better to do..., he forgot..... Lol, any reason could be valid. It's still annoying though. I tend to be early for things, so when people are really late it frustrates me. I don't think I would mind so much if I hadn't spent so much time positioning the camera (which is surprisingly difficult to find a decent angle with it), and then fighting with yahoo IM to let me use my webcam. grrrrrr.

Lol, just a note, Arue, you don't have to worry about me being like, "like, he said this" "then like, I said...." and so on and so on. Tonight is probably the worst I get for boring everyone with real life stories, and I only posted because I needed to vent :)
Phew, now that my venting's over with....time to IM him again to 'remind' him he's late *evil grin and evil laugh* hahahah. Lol, I can be a pain in the butt when I'm bored.

Oh! I wanted to say Arue, I read your 'about' page, and I throw salt over my shoulders when I spill some too. The only problem is, when you forget and throw it over both shoulders (like I do, lol) you could be doing the wrong shoulder last, thus spilling more salt and ruining the whole salt-throwing-over-shoulder curse-destroying effect. lol.

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