
Thursday, October 17, 2002

Hi everyone. How are you? I'm great, as you can read below:
I talked to the Australian guy that I hadn't talked to in awhile. We're each going to send stuff to the other, from our country. I need ideas, if anyone has any... I already have Tasty Cakes, Cinnamin tictacs, and Hershey chocolate, along with normal pics, postcards, etc. Can you believe they don't have any of those things over there? I'd go crazy! Except I think I could deal without the cinnamin tictacs, I like them but they're not my favorite thing. They have other tictacs, but not cinnamin. strange. So, any ideas?

Ok, Arue got me thinking about the whole billions of people thing. Well, she sorta did, then my head went spinning in all different sorts of directions with it. For example, You know how they say there's only one you? Like, noone else is exactly like you? How can that be? There's BILLIONS and BILLIONS of people in the world, and yet there isn't someone else like me? That's strange. I guess they mean exactly, as in, same thoughts at the same second. That I can agree with. But to say there isn't someone out there exactly like me.... that's odd. How many personalities can there be? Wouldn't one of them have to be mine? or, two of them, I guess I should say? Well... I guess if there isn't another of me that's a good thing (not to quote Martha Stewart or anything), the world will have enough to deal with just having me. See what I mean about my head spinning? And it's all Arue's fault. Yea well, I guess it was about time I started thinking 'big' and since I'm done with all except one school assignment (in art)...

Tomorrow is my birthday!!!!!!! My second favorite holiday, if you consider it a holiday. Halloween is first. Birthday's are second. Not other people's birthdays, just mine :) My mommy's birthday is the day after mine (Sat.) She never looks forward to her birthday. Unlike me. It's not that I want to get older, but I figure your birthday is just marking a DAY, not a year. You're not a year older, you're only one day older than you were yesterday. Your birthday just marks where you were last year, to where you are this year. I've progressed a little. At least I hope so anyway. I got my drivers permit, took my psats, started talking to people a TINY bit (outside of the computer, I mean)...... All things that I hadn't done by my last birthday. I have to get my license by Nov. 24th, or pay the $30 fee to get my permit extended..... So, by tomorrow's date next year I'll be a licensed driver, and will be a senior. Pretty impressive if you think of it like that. I won't think of it in the depressing terms, like, soon I'll have to move out, my life will completely change cause I'll be in a totally different atmosphere (college)..... No. I'm not thinking of it like that. Happy thoughts. I've progressed, lets just leave it at that...

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